Getting Started

This document will walk you through what you need to know in order to get started with using evarify.

ConfigStore and EnvironmentVariable

First, create a new module within your application that will hold your configuration. We suggest something like


You’ll want to be careful when importing any of your project’s other modules from within so you won’t run into circular imports.

Here’s a good starting point:

from evarify import ConfigStore, EnvironmentVariable
from evarify.filters.python_basics import value_to_python_log_level, \

settings = ConfigStore({
    'LOGLEVEL': EnvironmentVariable(
        help_txt='The desired logging level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR).',

You’ll notice that the top-level container is the ConfigStore class. This will hold all of your EnvironmentVariable definitions, and eventually your loaded config values. See the API reference for each of those classes for more details on what the arguments mean.

Loading Config Values from Environment Variables

The next step is to go to the entrypoint module for your project and import and load our config values:

from mymodule.config import settings


This causes the magic to happen. We iterate through your EnvironmentVariable definitions, pull the values, run them through the filters, and set the corresponding dict key in your ConfigStore. You can then reference it with the dict API:

>>> import logging
>>> from mymodule.config import settings
>>> settings.load_values()
>>> assert settings['LOGGING'] == logging.INFO


An important part of our EnvironmentVariable definitions the filters param. This is a list of filter functions to pass the environment variable’s value through before storing the result in the ConfigStore. They fit the following signature:

def your_filter(config_val, evar):
    :param str config_val: The env var value.
    :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating
        a value for.
    :raises: ValueError if there are any issues with the value.
    # Your logic here. You can modify the config_val before returning.
    return config_val

The environment variable’s values will be passed through these filters in order, so be sure to arrange things accordingly.

You can easily write your own filters, or use any of our built-ins. See the evarify.filters.python_basics API reference for a list.


  • If an EnvironmentVariable has been set to required=True (the default), you must define the environment variable when running your application (even if it’s an empty value).
  • If EnvironmentVariable has been set to required=False, failing to define the environment variable will result in the default_val being used. If no default_val has been passed in, we default to None.